BeShalach - 2019

Chevra, this week’s parsha is BeShalach. A lot happens in this parsha, but the main focus is on the Egyptians chasing the Bnei Yisrael into the Yam Suf and the Yam Suf splitting. Then when the Egyptians try to enter, the sea crashes back down on them and drowns them. If this isn’t the best excuse for Multi-AZ, I don’t know what is. You could say that from both sides. There is a midrash that the Bnei Yisrael crossed the Yam Suf in 12 different tunnels or partings, so this would be like diversifying to 12 different AZs. The Egyptians ran in afterwards and were crushed, they didn’t diversify. We then receive the Mann, complain about meat and receive the quail, learn about Shabbat, get water from a stone and fight off Amalek. All in a days work. ;-)  Shabbat Shalom