Chevra, this week’s parsha is וַיִּקְרָא and parshat זכור. So Sefer Vayikra - 2019 is mostly about operations of the Mishkan (so it’s very geard towards the TAMs). Zachor is the remembrance of what Amalek did to us and is connected with Purim (this week coming up) because Haman was a descendant of Amalek. So at the same time we are supposed to stomp out the name of Amalek and remember what they did to us. So are we supposed to delete all their TTs or save them?
And regarding this (pointing up), what is the day of Dag? I think you were trying to say that if you eat Fish (דג) will eliminate Worry (דאגה). How does that work? Maybe if we eat at Planeta we can zip in and out with our sushi?
Vayikra - 2019