Chevra, tonight is פסח (Pesach/Passover). I think we all know the story, or you’ll read it tonight, but this year is a bit different. In case you hadn’t heard, we are more like the original Jews having Pesach. We are shut in our homes. (I don’t have a lamb tied to my bed nor blood on the mezuzot of our house). We know that the Jews didn’t have time to let their dough rise, so they left with what they had. I wonder if they had been able to upload their bread to S3 and used Lambda to create more. I guess they would need some IoT in there also to turn on the ovens. What’s interesting is the Jews had Manna for the 40 years in the desert and their clothes grew with them and didn’t wear out. But they had to rush out without food. Baruch Hashem, our government here has been on top of things enough to avoid shortages of food and supplies in our grocery stores. This will be a very unique Pesach for everyone around the globe. May we all exit this “slavery” (aka confinement) strong and more connected with each other. Chag Kasher veSameach.