Chevra, this Shabbat is Shabbat Chol HaMoed, we do not read a parsha this week. During the week of Pesach, we read various sections from Sefer Shemot. On Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach, we also would normally read Shir HaShirim. This is considered, by the Sages, to be a love story between Am Yisrael and HaKadosh Baruch Hu. The “standard” explanation for Jewish Holidays is “so and so tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat”. And we even say in the Hagadah that in every generation, someone rises up to try to kill the Jewish People. What is very interesting now, is that the “someone” that has risen is not a people, but this virus. And the world is trying to come together in this fight against the virus. I have been extremely proud of the efforts of AWS in this fight. We have been able to provide so much capacity (both people capacity and compute type capacity), help and even recently a data lake of COVID-19 data for people to use in this fight. May we continue to work together in our efforts to support each other, our customers, out country-people, and humanity as a whole, to overcome this pandemic. Next year in Jerusalem, but also next year, B“H, this will be just another item on the list of the ”someones“ that tried to kill us, and we overcame them. Shabbat Shalom and Modiim beSimcha