Chevra, this week’s parsha is תְּרוּמָה (Terumah). This parsha discusses the building of the Mishkan. While this may appear to be completely material, it also has a deep spiritual context. This is the instructions for building the home on earth were The Holy One, Blessed be He, will reside. The obvious correlation to AWS would be the Region, AZ or Data Center. But I think what’s more important is the spiritual side. This physical space, which only the Cohanim and Leviim were allowed to enter regulary was the connection place between Heaven and Earth. And this remains the case today, the place that the Holy Temple resided is the most holy place in Judaism. When The Temple was destroyed, the sages replaced sacrifices (I’m sure the vegetarian and vegans are happy on that one) with Prayer. And I’ve heard that Rav Kook (also vegetarian) believed that when the 3rd Temple will be built, that only Mincha (grain) offerings will be brought. The important thing seems to have moved from the physical act of going to The Temple and bringing the something, and moved into the heart’s connection with HaShem. What is important is not the management of the various systems and procedures and the code is what’s important. And you don’t have to travel to the data center to do it. So for now, we don’t have Aliyah LeRegel (3 times a year), but with my code running in Lambda, I have the time and cycles to do it soon when The Temple will be rebuilt. Shabbat Shalom.