Chevre, this week’s parsha is חַיֵּי שָׂרָׂה (Chayei Sarah). I would like to dedicate this week’s drosh to my friend Big Mike, who passed away last Shabbat from COVID, may his memory be a blessing. There are several deaths in this week’s parsha. We start with the death of Sarah. Avraham then sends his servant to find a wife for Isaac, ensuring continuity (the proverbial hit by a bus problem) for the family (or product, project). Once that is taken care of, we see Avraham remarry and have some more kids. He then dies followed by the death of Ishmael. In the tech world, we have been concerned for a long time about how to keep things running after folks transition from their roles. Whether they pass away, leave the company or just move to a different role. Working in the cloud seems to make these transitions happen even faster. So this week, we learn from our fore fathers and mothers to always be ready for the unexpected and to cherish the time we have had with our friends, co-workers and loved ones. May you all have a beautiful, restful Shabbat where you get to spend time with the people you care about most. Shabbat Shalom.