Va’eira - 2021

Chevre, this week’s parsha is וָאֵרָא (Va’eira). In Shemot, last week, we had a list of people that went from Israel to Egypt. Now we have a list of the heads of the houses of Israel in Egypt. I actually got confused last week when talking to my family and called the book Numbers, which is Bamidbar, but that book starts and ends with counts of the people as well. At this point, I’m of the thinking that we should setup VPC Flow Logs, CloudTrail, S3 Access Logs, or the automated family counter to create the data in my S3 bucket s3://in-and-out-of-egypt/vaeira/ and then I can query the data via “normal” tools like Amazon Athena. I can even create other S3 folders for shemot, and bamidbar. As a bonus, I can even later make a journeys grouping for additional analytics. And yes, I grabbed the bucket name, but I couldn’t put it in the Israel Region because it’s not here yet. Shabbat Shalom.