Chevre, this week’s parsha is וַיֵּלֶךְ (Vayelech) and it’s שבת שובה (Shabbat Shuvah). This week’s parsha is short, but it includes something really interesting, Hakel. Every 7 years, during Shemitah, which we just started, the king will get up and read certain sections from the Torah. Everyone was to gather around and hear the king read these sections. It’s a reminder that the Torah is accessible to everyone and that it’s everyone’s responsibility to learn and follow the Torah. At re:Invent every year, the CEO of AWS gets up, talks about what we’ve done and where we are going, what new things are coming out. For me, one of the greatest things about The Cloud is that it levels the playing field. I personally with my few dollar a month account get the same level of redundancy and professional running of systems as do my major customers with their huge spend and special arrangements. The Torah is for everyone and anyone can become a giant in Torah. Shabbat Shalom, Gmar Chatimah Tovah.