Chevre, this week’s parsha is וַיֵּרָא (Vayera). There is a lot that happens in this parsha. If I was to try to find a theme throughout the various stories, it would come down to being good to other people. In Yiddish, what is called a Mensch. This is where Avraham fights for the saving of Sdom and Amora, where Lot brings in visitors and offers them hospitality. There are also a lot of areas that could be improved including the fact that Sdom had to be destoryed and the Lot offered his daughters to the people of Sdom do defile instead of his guests. The rejection and expulsion of Yishmael. What I found interesting with the visitors to Avraham and then they visit Lot in Sdom is that the midrash reflects that these are angels and they can only perform 1 task, like good Unix programs or Lambda Scripts should do. HaShem has an API, and the angels go do their task. “Go save Lot.” When it comes to people, we are generally more complex. We may have 1 primary task to do in this world, but it could take a long time or we could have many tasks or tasks that lead to tasks. We are more like EC2 nodes than Unix Programs or Lambdas. The difficult part about being a person is that we don’t always know what our task is and finding our task can be daunting. I bless you to have many good tasks to perform and to have many tasks that stretch out for many days and years. Shabbat Shalom.