Chevre, this week’s parsha is בְּמִדְּבַּר (Bamidbar). This parsha, called Numbers in English, is very Amazonian. We start with metrics, the counting of the tribes, then we go into the layout of the camp and then we go back to Levi for their encampment placements and specific travel jobs. Who puts there tents on which side of the Mishkan. What is really interesting, is that the Mishkan already here is directed East/West. We see this continue in the temporary Temple in Shilo, it’s a great place to visit the site. And in the final First and Second “permanent” Temples in Jerusalem. While traveling around Israel and taking stock of the different synagogues from different time periods, some are fashioned East/West like the Mishkan and Temple while others, usually later, are like our more modern synagogues that face Jerusalem. We also see that originally the synagogue was more of a gathering place, but with the destuction of the 2nd Temple, we see many aspects of the Temple architecture being moved into the modern synagogue and prayer taking over the individual worship from Temple based sacrifices. While change in the Jewish Spiritual world can take centuries, as evident from the synagogue structures, we do see that it is still evolving. I think, however, that my Lambda flow changes a bit faster. Shabbat Shalom.