Ki-Tavo - 2018

Chevra, this week’s parsha is Ki Tavo. Ki Tavo, when you come into the land that HaShem promised, you should fulfill this mitzvot. The largest section of the parsha is the blessings and curses, if you do what HaShem says, good things will happen and if not, then bad things will happen. In an AWS world, when you come into the cloud (Ki Tavo) then you should be well architected, you should have monitoring, you should have security. If not, then you may get hacked, you may have a run away process or stream which could be extremely costly. The Torah mandates how we should behave and act to merit good things including being in Eretz Yisrael. AWS suggests how we should build our systems to enhance the longevity of the workload and the customer’s business. Shabbat Shalom.