Chevra, this week’s parsha is Shemot. This is the Bar Mitzvah weekend! We have a deluge outside in rain and a deluge inside with family with more still set to arrive (in our town) in the next couple of hours. In this week’s parsha we learn about the birth of Moshe and HaShem talks to Moshe for the first time. We see that Moshe asks for signs to show the Jewish People so they will believe him. This reminds me of when I was a newly minted Amazonian, what authority and knowledge did I have? We all know that just becoming Amazonian is a significant undertaking and accomplishment, but it often feels like we need more. In the parsha, HaShem gives Moshe symbols where he throws down a staff and it becomes a snake and where he hides his hand and it becomes white with Tzaraat. In the Amazonian world, we have symbols as well, we go through the on-boarding tasks and pass AWS Certification. These help us with our becoming Amazonian and when all else fails, there is always the idea of fake it till you make it. ;-) Shabbat Shalom.