BeHa’alotcha - 2019

Chevra, this week’s parsha is בְּהַעֲלֹתְּךָ. This week we start out with the kedusha of the Menorah and having Aaron light it. There is then an explanation of the divine signs about when to break up camp (no SQS or SNS available) and the order of breaking up the camp (Step Functions?). There is then an interlude where Moshe’s father-in-law (with a different name from before) is invited to the join the camp. There is finally, the above put into practice where the camp actually moves. I guess moving between regions was never easy until AWS started making global services like Route53. There is then a bunch of complaints, the natives are getting restless, and finally Miriam, who should have known better, was quarantined for 7 days outside of the camp. She must be running Guard Duty and Insights with some nice Lambdas to automatically stick her in the penalty box for 7 days. We know that during the trip through the desert in Sefer BaMidbar, that the Israelites start to complain and get restless. They are in the lift and shift mode and don’t understand the new model that is being introduced to them. Only the next generation understands the new model and will take that into Eretz Yisrael. May we all be privileged to live and work and stay in Eretz Yisrael. Shabbat Shalom.