Chevra, this week’s parsha is דְּבָרִים. This sefer is referred to by the sages as the Mishneh Torah (the repeating of the Torah). The Rambam borrowed this name when he named his momentous work by the same name. And so this week’s parsha starts out with a repeating of what already happened. I personally find this interesting and I often find myself thinking about looking back at my time at Amazon when hiring, especially doing a PS1. Thinking about the folks I know at AWS to see where this person is in relation to the ever elusive “Bar”. Taking stock of where we are and where we are going is important in most things, it helps grounds us. And while the cloud is usually thought of as being up in the sky, the Talmud states that the Torah is not in Heaven, but was given to man. It’s our job to take what we’re given and improve them (Event and Simplify). Next week is the US Tech Summit, it’s our chance to show the US based TAMs and SAs what kind of great things we do in Israel. I bless you, and please bless me back, that we put our best foot forward and show our colleagues what kind of quality efforts we succeed in (deliver results) in Israel. Shabbat Shalom.