Re’eh - 2019

Chevra, this week’s parsha is רְאֵה. You’ll be happy to know that I’m back home and therefore back to my normal sources for these notes. ;-) There is an admonition (aka don’t do it) against creating private altars. Now, this comes in a section about the holiness of the land, but if we think about it in terms of clouds, then we should keep the land holy and not create data centers in every building. Instead, we should not use on-prem resources and instead rely on the cloud for better operational efficiency and scaling. It also reduces the headaches of having to purchase, rack, stack and install the OS on the machines. Let EC2 handle that for you. Even better, use Lambda and you just have to write your code and start it running. Other notable things in the parsha is that we are to be a holy people to HaShem, Shemita (not working the land and cancelling of loans), be charitable to our fellow man, and we round off the parsha with the holidays. All things to keep you holy. Shabbat Shalom.