Chevra, this week’s parsha is בְּשַׁלַׁח (BeShalach) and שבת שירה (Shabbat Shirah). The main section of the parsha is the song that is sung after Am Yisrael crosses the Red Sea (Yam Suf) and the Egyptian army is destroyed. For me, this was like when I attended an Awesome Day (Thanks Doron) and saw for the first time how powerful the cloud could potentially be. Next, Am Yisrael realizes they are in the middle of the desert and don’t have any food or water. Like someone playing with the cloud for the first time, let’s say Lambda, and can’t figure out how to figure out where the output is, what’s going on, why did it not work? There is the idea of what the cloud can do and then there is the reality of making that happen. And often times the reality of life is much messier and contains obstacles that need to be overcome. The reward, however, in the case of Am Yisrael is eventually getting to Eretz Yisrael. And in the cloud world of having a less expensive, easier to operate and more scalable infrastructure. The learning curve in both cases is well worth it. Shabbat Shalom.