Noah - 2020

Chevre, this week’s parsha is נֹ חַ (Noah). A comment was made on my Dvar Torah last week that I’d say something about a Low Level format using Hot Water and a Compressed Backup (Aryeh Radle). While that is an interesting thought, it seems that this is more of a migration using an AWS Snowball or Snow mobile from on-prem. A common mistake in pictures of Noah’s Ark is that there are only 2 of every animal. This is true of non-Kosher animals, but Kosher animals included 7 of each Male and Female. There is a Talmudic passage I heard about recently:

Noah - 2020 found the avrashna hiding in the hold of the Ark. He said to it, “Do you not want food?” It replied, “I saw that you were busy, and I didn’t want to trouble you.” He said to it, “May it be His will that you never die, as it says ‘I shall expire with my next, an as the chol, I shall increase my days’.”

The avrashna and the chol are identified as the Phoenix in English. (see link to a Harry Potter seen). The idea here is just like the Phoenix that dies and comes back from the ashes, so the Jewish people over and over are reborn from destruction, exile and compressed backups on snowballs. Shabbat Shalom