Chevre, this week’s parsha is וַיְחִי (Vayechi). This week’s parsha has a lot of endings. It starts with the upcoming death of Yaakov, the cross-armed blessing that Yaakov gives to Yosef’s sons, the “brachot” that Yaakov gives to his sons. These were more foreshadowing than brachot and not all of them were so nice. Finally, he dies and is buried in Hevron. The brothers are now worried that Yosef will take revenge on them. He assures them that he won’t. Yosef asks to also be buried in Hevron and he dies at the conclusion of Bereshit. As AWS folks that help support our customers, it’s our job to help them foreshadow what might happen to them. We look at their architectures, usage patterns and plans and we discuss with them any pitfalls they may be setting themselves up for. The ideal situation is that we help them side-step a problem. I believe this is what Yaakov was trying to do when he gave his “brachot” to the brothers. At the current rate in the current direction, this is where they were destined to go. May we all be blessed to learn how to “see around corners” both in our work lives and in our personal lives. And may those next corners include an end to the pandemic and us returning to seeing each other together physically. Shabbat Shalom and Happy Sylvestor (New Year)