Sheviih shel Pesach + Achrei Mot - 2022

Chevre, this Friday is שביעי של פסח (Shevi’ih shel Pesach) followed immediately by אַחֲרֵי מוֹת (Achrei Mot). So the last day of Pesach is a holiday, we don’t do work like Shabbat, except on holidays we are allowed to cook (with specific restrictions). The last day of Pesach commemorates the splitting of the Sea of Suf (the Red Sea) during the Exodus story. What is interesting to me is that outside the Egyptians were being drowned, but inside the Jews were walking on dry land with the sea all around them. This is very much like the Sabra Fruit which comes from a cactus. Outside it’s hard and prickly and inside it’s sweet and yummy. Native Israelis are called Sabras after the fruit. It is specifically because of the death of the Egyptians in the Pesach story that we don’t sing/read/pray a full Hallel after the first day.

This year, we go right into a “regular” Shabbat with Achrei Mot. We pick up, after a few weeks or laws, what happened after Aaron’s 2 sons, Nadav and Avihu, died in the Mishkan. So in the parsha we start by learning about Yom Kippur and atonement. To me, this is like shutting the barn door after the horse has escaped. In my work-life at AWS, we try hard to alleviate this scenario by helping customers understand the ramifications of what they are doing before they do it. Through blogs, videos, conversations, cost analysis of potential changes (both decreasing costs or increasing costs) and by getting the word out. There are often areas for confusion and so an expert is engaged to ensure we don’t miss anything. We do the same thing in our Jewish life by engaging a competent Rav (or Rabbi) to understand the hidden Jewish Law ramifications of decisions we need to make.

Note: I am in Israel and will be following the Israeli parsha reading. Outside of Israel will be delayed a week (so you will read Achrei Mot next week) until the end of July.

May you all be blessed with a peaceful Chag and Shabbat. Modiim LeSimcha, Chag Sameach, and Shabbat Shalom.