Bo - 2023

Chevre, this week’s parsha is באֹּ (Bo). We start with plague 8 and 9. Pharoah’s advisors (we’ll call them TAMs) are pleading with him to do the right thing. After plague 9, Pharoah states that Moshe will not see his face again. Then Moshe delivers the warning of the final plague. HaShem tells Moshe about the Pesach Offering and that HaShem himself will carry out the final plague. This leads the commentators to understand that “others” performed the other plagues. We’ll call these others (DevOps or System Engineers). We lear about the Pesach (Passover) festival and some more about the Pesach offering. Finally, we get the 10th plague and Pharoah surrenders. The Exodus (Data Center Migration) starts. And some more Pesach offering laws. There are several commandments to remember the exodus (maybe I should keep a rack nut on my desk to remember the migration) and there is the commandment regarding the first born animals and first born male sons. So this was the big event, we’ll have a whole night coming soon (The Seder) to talk about it in detail. For now, we are on our way. The migration is happening, DMS is up and syncing the databases, the auto-scaling groups are started and working. The CloudFormation template was run and all metrics on the CloudWatch dashboard are green. Shabbat Shalom