Chevre, this week’s parsha isדְּבָרִים (Devarim). This week starts the closing speach by Moshe as they stand ready to enter Eretz Yisrael. This parsha is always read on Shabbat Chazon, the Shabbat before Tisha B’Av. Chazon is taken from the Haftorah of the week. We are already 1/2 way through the 3 weeks and into the 9 days. This is the ever increasing experience of mourning that we encounter every year in the lead up to Tisha B’Av, the day that both the 1st and 2nd Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed by the Babylonians and the Romans. According to Jewish custom, this is not a good time to start new things. It’s a good time to take an accounting of where we are at, work on right sizing our EC2 instances and ensuring the Auto Scaling Groups support scaling down, just as much as they support scaling up. Do I have any unattached EBS volumes, do I have lifecycle policies in my storage to ensure that I’m only storing what I need and in the storage tier that is the best fit for my access patterns. Amidst the global heat waves, I encourage everyone to be safe, healthy, HYDRATED and especially hydrate on Wed before the fast that is from Wed evening to Thur night. Shabbat Shalom.