Chevre, this week’s parsha is Devarim (דברים). We start the last book of the Torah this week. This parsha is always read before Tisha BeAv, the fast day we remember the destruction of The 2 Temples in Jerusalem (amongst other things throughout Jewish History).
A large part of Sefer Devarim (The book of Deuteronomy) is a review of what’s happened and Moshe’s last speach to The People of Israel. It’s like our yearly reminder to put in feedback on our colleagues and to assess where we are this year compared to last year, did we meet our goals, did we have the right goals. What were our mishaps? Did we learn from them? Can we learn more?
This week there are reminders about appointing judges, the mission of the scouts, the nations of Seir and Moab (these nations are related through Esav, don’t attack them), the conquests of Sihon and Og, and finally a reminder of Reuben, Gad and half of Menashe (who are staying on the East Side of the Jordan River to make the architecture multi-AZ, this joke never gets old).
And I think this review in the parsha is partially why this is what we read before Tisha BeAv. What have I done this year to bring Am Yisrael closer together. Have I had enough Ahavat Yisrael (Love of Israel, meaning love for my fellow Jew)? What can I do more in my heart to love my fellow better and make my part of the world that much better.
Shabbat Shalom and may everyone have a meaningful fast this week.