Chevre, we have 2 days of Rosh Hashanah (ראש השנה) followed by Parshat Hazinu (הַאֲזִ֥ינוּ).
You are welcome to see what I wrote in 2021 regarding Rosh Hashanah.
In Hazinu, we have another re-iteration of the need to uphold our part of the covenant. This time Moshe is calling on The Heavens and The Earth to hear it. Given that everyone in Israel was bunkered down last night (essentially in the earth) and the heavens were on fire, this seems appropriate to me. And the fact that after 180 Ballistic Missles only 1 person was killed (by falling shrapnel) and only a few were injured is a miracle. A miracle of the folks that stand with Israel and of the accomplishments and heights we have attained, with the help of HaShem, in technology and defense.
I am so grateful and thankful for the technologies I get to use every day. From AWS services like Lambda, SQS, S3 and EC2. To my raspberry pi running home assistant in a docker container that is now controlling my hot water heater (smart plug) based on the weather (if it needs to come on or not).
In case you missed it, during the barage last night, we were receiving a grocery delivery and we quickly ushered in our new friend. He’s an Arab, lives in Jerusalem with his wife of a month. He got along well with our dogs since he has dogs of his own. We set him up on our wifi so he could call his wife and tell his family he was OK. This morning we were the talk of the town, several people asked me about it while in the supermarket. The simple answer is, we couldn’t leave him outside during the biggest attack on Israel in our history.
May you and all of Am Yisrael have a Shanah Tovah uMetukah, a good, sweet New year. And a Shabbat Shalom.