Chevre, this week’s parsha is Tazria (רעיז†תְִַַּ). Live from New York City, it’s Friday Morning! 😄 The parsha this week talks almost exclusively about Tzarat which is a spirtual affliction with a physical result. If you don’t follow the commandments or are spirtually flawed, you may end up with Tzarat. (It’s often mis-translated as leprosy). I think many folks would take this idea of a spirtual idea with a physical outcome as IOT (Internet of Things), but I liken it more to Lambda.
In AWS IOT, there is a conceptual model of what the device is and the system can send updates or configs to that model. When the IOT device “phones home” it gets all the updates. I liken this more toward the idea of having a Jerusalem on earth and a Jerusalem in Heaven. (Heaven being in the cloud).
I see this more as Lambda (or maybe serverless in general is better), where you can have a minimal infrastructure (from the customer perspective) and then there is some kind of a result. In most of my Lambda/Serverless flows, the result is an object of 1 kind or another in my Dropbox account which syncs to many of my devices. This flow, in my case, was originally designed when I was traveling to China regularly and needed a way to automate the fetching of certain content that was not allowed through the Great Firewall.
Finally, thank you to everyone that I’ve run into in New York this week. Everyone has been so wonderful and made the trip great. Shabbat Shalom