Chevra, this week’s parsha is Chayei Sarah. In the parsha, Avraham purchases Ma’arat HaMachpela to bury Sarah, Avraham sends Eliezer, his servant, to find Yitchak a wife and then Yitchak gets married. I suspect that the negotiation between Avraham and Heth are similar to when Amazon comes to town and wants to build a data center. All the sudden, prices go up. ;-) Eliezer travels from Hevron to Avraham’s homeland to find a wife. When Avraham came to Eretz Yisrael, the trip actually started with his father, but his father wasn’t able to complete the journey. So it took at least 2 generations to travel that distance. Eliezer is told to go there and then the next pasuk (the next line) there he is already travelled to Haron. I suspect that Eliezer was using S3 acceleration and so the path was already opened for him by Avraham (aka CloudFront). Shabbat Shalom.