Toldot - 2018

Chevra, this week’s parsha is Toldot. This seems to be the most Anti-Amazonian parsha we could find. Esav and Yaakov start fighting in the womb and even during birth Yaakov is holding onto Esav’s heel. There is the story of Esav and the Lentil soup where he is so focused on the here and now and not the future that he gives his birthright away for a bowl of soup. Then there is the situation where Rivka has Yaakov dress up as Esav to trick Yaakov into giving Yaakov his blessing. Oh my goodness, this family is pretty scary. They do teshuvah later, but here they are an example of a disfunctional family. May we learn from these folks to be honest with our fellow Amazonians and our customers and stick to the leadership principles. Chodesh Tov and Shabbat Shalom.