Chevra, this week’s parsha is Miketz. In this week’s parsha, we have Yosef being called up from the dungeon by Paro to interpret his dreams. Paro puts Yosef in charge where he collects the grain for the 7 good years. The whole story of Yosef’s brothers coming to buy food, leaving a brother (essentially as collateral for Binyamin), getting their money returned to them, going back with Binyamin. The story about Yosef putting his cup in Binyamin’s bag to test the brothers. Yosef is called Yosef HaTzadik because he gives the brothers the opportunity to do teshuvah. Seems to me that Paro definitely Hired and Developed the Best. Shabbat Shalom, Chanukah Sameach and Chodesh Tov.