Vayigash - 2018

Chevrah, this week’s parsha is Vayigash. In this week’s parsha it’s mentioned that Yosef receives the news that his father’s health is getting worse. The midrash asks why did they have to tell him? After being away from his family for so long, didn’t Yosef see his father on a regular basis? The midrash answers that Yosef was afraid to spend time alone with his father because he was scared of the question coming up about what happened to him (Yosef). So he essentially hid from his father and wouldn’t be alone with him to avoid the difficult question and speaking badly about Yosef’s brothers. I’m not sure if this is Insist on the Highest Standards, Deliver Results, or Ownership, but it’s impressive.  Perhaps this is why the gemara always calls Yosef the Tzadik. Shabbat Shalom