Pinchas - 2018

Chevra, this week’s parsha is Pinchas. In addition to Pinchas becoming a priest, there is the second set of censuses (the census of the Israelites and the census of the Levites), the listing of the offerings for all the holidays, Rosh Chodesh and Shabbat are listed. These sections are read on the holidays. In the middle of all of these is the request from Moshe to establish his successor. Just like with the passing down of the kehuna from Aharon to his sons, and the passing of the bringing of water from Miriam to the well coming from the rock, Moshe will not be entering the land and needs a successor. We too have primary and backup TAMs and preach well architected workloads for the same reason. We want to maintain continuity and we want things to keep moving forward even after we aren’t in the picture any longer. It’s one of the reasons we have kids and teach them, to continue our ideals that we try to instill and grow in our kids. They have their own take on it as well, just like all our customers do. May we all find tranquility (רוֹגַע) by knowing we have backups in the cloud, backups at work, and backups at home. Shabbat Shalom.