Chevra, this week’s parsha is Devarim. There is a famous story where a businessman came to Rav Kook talking about the pros and cons about making aliyah and how it would affect his family income. Rav Kook answered that when the Bnei Yisrael were on their way to Eretz Yisrael they first killed Sihon Melech Heshbon. Rav Kook told his guest that the Torah is telling us that in the matter of Aliyah, you can’t make Heshbonot, you just have to do it. This is a bit different from our customers who often or usually make Heshbonot about moving to AWS or expanding on AWS. Baruch HaShem, AWS was built with forethought so that it’s easily possible to run the same workload with cost optimization and pay less for more. Thus releasing our customers of the need to make the Heshbonot. Of course, TAMs also do a lot of those Heshbonot for and with the customer. Shabbat Shalom.