Eikev - 2018

Chevra, this week’s parsha is Eikev. There are a lot of aspects about land and property mentioned this week. There is the warning against the lure of property, remembering the exodus form Egypt, Aharon’s death and burial, and the goodness of Eretz Yisrael. And almost at the end there is the 2nd paragraph from The Shema that talks about rain for the land at it’s proper time, being banished from the land, and teaching mitzvot to the children when not moving and when moving in order to prolong our days in the land. All of this is land and property based. Baruch HaShem, we have all spent a lot of time in and out of data centers in our lives and I am truly grateful to be working in the cloud where I don’t need a pile of servers and switches and only need an Internet connection with some wifi. Shabbat Shalom