Korach - 2019

Chevra, this week’s parsha is קֹרַח. This week has a considerable amount of discord. I think they may have taken Disagree to a new level and totally forgot about commit. The main “villians“ here are Datan and Aviram (but not our Dotan and Aviram, they are famous for only good reasons!). Moshe is shown to be virtuous in this round of objections, Aharon in the next round, but we have gotten into the arena of the earth swallowing up the detractors and Aharon’s staff growing leaves overnight. There is a story in the Gemara where supernatural proofs are given for an argument and the end of that story is that the Torah was given to man and it is up to man to determine the laws based on the Torah. It is a very interesting discussion there and the stories here in Korach - 2019 seem to contradict what is in the Gemara. My take away from this is that things aren’t written in the stars and that it’s up to us to  make things happen (ownership, bias for action). I bless you, and please bless me back, that you should always know when to have ownership, bias for action and backbone. And also when to commit. Shabbat Shalom.