Pinchas - 2019

Chevra, this week’s parsha is פִּינְחָס. In this week’s parsha we find the story of Zelophehad’s daughters. Their father died in wilderness, but was not against Moshe and he had no sons. They came to Moshe and asked for their father’s inheritance. At the time in the area of the world where the Jews were traveling was a male based society. For them to come forward and ask for the inheritance was a big big deal. It showed real Have Backbone, Disagree and Commit. Moshe showing Is Right a Lot took in the feedback and brought it to HaShem for a ruling. This story changed the rules of Jewish inheritance for all time. I bless you, and bless me back please, to have the Israeli character of Backbone, but also the Disagree and Commit that needs to go along with it in Amazon. And to have the ability to take in the difficult feedback and act accordingly on it. Shabbat Shalom.