Chevra, this week’s parsha is שְׁמִינִי and it’s parshat פרה. This is the 2nd of 4 special parshiot leading up to Pesach. There is a Mishnah that talks about the preparation the sages would do leading up to Pesach. They would send people out to the main roads and mark the cemetaries so that the people going to Jerusalem would be able to stay pure. This parsha of Parah is a reminder that we should work to purify ourselves for Pesach. And in the parsha, we have the deaths of Nadav and Avihu who brought “strange” fire into the Mishkan. There are various ideas what they were doing. Some say they had been drinking while other say it was just an uncalled for korban. It’s like one of our customers who doesn’t automate some of their processes and have extra instances and/or snapshots laying around. We need to purify ourselves (and automate our workloads) to optimize our time and efforts so we can focus on purity of thought and enjoying the holiday (once the house is clean). Shabbat Shalom.