Vayeshev - 2019

Chevra, this week’s parsha is וַיֵּשֶׁב (Vayeshev). In this week’s parsha the main character is Yosef. He is sent out to find his brothers while wearing his long coat of many colors. This coat represents that he doesn’t work. With long sleeves that will get in the way and of many colors that he won’t want to get dirty, he is pampered and doesn’t want to work. His brothers throw him into a pit (empty, there was no water, meaning it may have had scorpions or other things in it). They sell Yosef into slavery and we have the stories of Pontifar’s wife and Yosef going to jail and the stories of the Cupbearer and Baker. All of these things seemingly happened because Yosef dared to dream and be curious and was a bit peculiar. We’ll see later that because he went to Egypt first, he was able to save the rest of his family. By AWS being peculiar and investigating different ways of operating and running stable and sustainable scaling, we are able to save our customers from the dangers of the Internet including floods, power outages, DDOS attacks and the dreaded backhoe. May we all embrace our peculiar sides and continue to push the limits. Shabbat Shalom.