Chevra, tomorrow is the 7th day of Pesach. Like the first day of Pesach, we don’t do work. The main focus of this day is on the miracle of the splitting of the Sea of Reeds. Up until this time, the people were still worried about Paro coming after them. Moshe stated, they wanted to go out 3 days journey to offer sacrifices to God. So on the 7th day, Paro realized that the people weren’t coming back. This is when Paro sent his forces to bring them back. Only after the people were saved by the splitting of the sea were they truly free of Egypt physically. They were still, as we have already seen in the past few parshiot, affected greatly mentally by Egypt. In my personal migration to the cloud, I can see this. At first there is the idea of a lift and shift, moving workloads to EC2. Only later was it clear how things like SQS and Lambda could greatly increase the speed and efficiency (and cost competitiveness) of my personal workloads. Only by going through the process was it possible for me to see all the possibilities. My challenge going forward is to figure out a clean and efficient way to convey this to my customers who are going through a similar journey. This is why we are all told to experience Pesach as if we were there. The journey is as important as reaching the destination. Chag Sameach.