Tazria Metzora - 2020

Chevra, this week’s parsha is תַּזְרִיעַּ - מְצֹרָע (Tazria Metzora) and is also Rosh Chodesh Iyar. The parsha speaks about contamination and purification (Tahara). It talks about people being contanimanted, clothes and belongings and even houses. If the house gets too contaminated, it needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. There is a Midrash about someone who had to destroy his house and found hidden treasure in the walls. I can imagine that if a developer was forced to read old code and re-write it for the cloud, that they too may find hidden treasure. Hopefully, that hidden “treasure” is not 50 year old COBOL. ;-) Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov. Stay safe everyone.