Chevra, this week’s parsha is אַחֲרֵי מוֹת - קְדֹשִׁים (Achrei-Mot Kedoshim). The last section of the parsha this week talks about the holiness of kashrut. While the rules of kashrut can get extremely complex, but restricting ourselves, we indicate that we can override our lower yearnings do what Hashem commands. Some of the rules we follow are spelled out explicitely in the Torah, but many of them are things that the sages learned by reading between the lines. This is the kind of understand that we sometimes (often?) gather on the services we use and help our customers with. Some of the older services, these things are well known, like the rules of kashrut. But then we get thrown a curve ball, how do you pray in space? Or how do you count 7 days for Shabbat in space? Or can you have a minyan over an online video chat system, or how do you sit shiva in the time of Corona? Many of these questions have been thought of, but recently a whole new area of halacha has been discussed. The primary rule in Judaism is Pikuach Nefesh, the safe guarding of the soul. Human life nearly always comes first, even at the expense of saying kaddish for an avel. It’s by using these principles that have been passed down over the centuries, that we can be spirtually prepared for what is to come. Even the curve balls. It is for this reason that all the opinions are included in the gemara, so that if a curve ball ever comes around that requires that opinion, we have that opinion to rely upon. Stay safe. Hope to see you all again soon. Shabbat Shalom.
Achrei-Mot Kedoshim - 2020