Bo - 2021

Chevre, this week’s parsha is באֹּ (Bo). In this week’s parsha we have the continuation of the last few plagues; (8) Earthquake (9) Pandemic (10) the problematic CTO from last week get’s fired because he refuses to move to the cloud. And then we have the description of how the Bnei Yisrael prepared for and left their Data Centers for the cloud. In reality, this is the description of Passover, but it does end with the Amud Anon or the pillar of cloud (during the day and pillar of fire at night). So this year during Passover (Pesach, hopefully again together with our families B“H), remember that migration of the Jewish people from the dark depths of the Egyption Data Centers to the lofty and clear skyed cloud of freedom. Shabbat Shalom.