Chevre, this week’s parsha is וָאֵרָא (Vaera). In this week’s parsha we have 7 of the Passover (Pesach) plagues. Thinking about the stubborn CTO what doesn’t want to move to the cloud and run their own data centers. (1) The dreaded backhoe that cuts large wads of fibers (2) The misconfigured BGP that takes down all your data centers at once (3) Floods (4) Power outages or worse, Power brownouts (5) Fire, either inside or outside your data center (6) simple hardware failure for things like your backup generators, UPSes or cooling systems (7) Hail, the midrash talks about hail with fire inside, like firebombs, those could cause some problems if they hit your building. So remember, Friends don’t let Friends build Data Centers! Shabbat Shalom