Chevre, this week’s parsha is תְּרוּמָה (Terumah) and also Parshat זכור (Zachor). First of all, this is the month of Adar which is often called הפוכו or Upside Down 🙃. So that is why it was 70F (21C) last week and snowing ❄️ this week. Next up is that next week is already Purim 🤡.
And then we get to the parsha and Zachor. Zachor is a mitzvah דריתא (Doritah, it’s Aramaic) or from the Torah. These are stronger mitzvot than ones from the Rabbis. Zachor is the mitzvah to remember what Amalek did to you in the desert. We remember that they attacked us soon after leaving Egypt. So we read that section of the Torah on Parshat Zachor. This is the 2nd of the 4 special parshiot leading up to Pesach. So get ready for the splitting of the Data Centers.
Finally, the parsha. Moshe asked the Children of Israel to contribute funds, effort and materials to the building of the Mishkan or Tabernacle. The people gave so much that Moshe had to stop them and say enough! My father-in-law is a retired congregational Rabbi and I bet he would have liked this problem. What’s important here, though are the details. The design was created by HaShem, but the workmanship needed to be done by the people and the attention to detail is important. Our customers don’t need to worry about these building details because Peter DeSantis and his team deal with all these details for them. Our customers only have to concentrate on their work, like the later generations of Jews who only had to focus on the offerings they brought. I wish you all a GOOD PURIM.
Terumah - 2021