Tzav + Pesach - 2021

Chevre, this week’s parsha is צַו (Tzav) and it leads directly into פֶּסַח (Pesach). Tzav continues to talk about sacrifices, but ends with the concecration or bootstrapping of the work in the Mishkan. Understanding what has to be done to get started is important. There are important things that have to be done to get up and running. IAM and/or SSO users need to be made, password policies need to be implemented. Cost Allocation Tags need to be defined and automated. Oh Aharon the Cohen needs to be pure and go through that process. This makes me think of the process in dress and cleansing needed to get into a chip fab (think the Intel bunny suits from the 90s).


And then we go right into Pesach. An important aspect of Pesach is that we left free from slavery. As I moved my personal workloads from “on-prem”, aka distributed amongst machines in my family’s homes around the world, and moved to AWS Lambda, I truly felt free. No longer was I responsible for the care and feeding of machines, but could leave this up to the AWS experts and focus solely on my scripts/code. And yes, I have a promise to a certain SA that I’ll migrated my Customer runtime Bash Lambdas to Python at some point in the future. ;-)

May we all find our own aspect of freedom this year.

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Kasher veSameach.