Chevre, this week’s parsha is בְּשַׁלַׁח (BeShalach). The main focus of the parsha is the splitting of The Red Sea (or the Sea of Suf) and like my calendar on a good day the waters (or my appointments/meetings) magically moved to the side (or disappeared). We also have the Man (or Manna) which is the food the Israelites ate in the desert for 40 years. There are varying stories of what it tasted like, either it tasted like nothing (Covid folks may be able to relate) or it tasted like what the individual wanted it taste like. This last one seems magical and I’ve seen similar ideas in Sci-Fi and/or Fantasy stories. What is really interesting is that the people just had to go out and collect it. No heavy lifting, they didn’t have to grow the wheat and grind it and make the bread (I’m sure I’m leaving out some steps). Similar to how AWS customers don’t need to necessarily understand and build their own data center, power it, cool it, rack and stack the equipment and then configure it from zero. AWS customers get the benefit of the pre-built (or baked) services. And given AWS is the cloud, it’s like Manna from Heaven. Shabbat Shalom.