Bo - 2022

Chevre, this week’s parsha is באֹּ (Bo). Last week we had the start of the exodus plagues and this week we have the rest of them. What is interesting is after the exodus plagues, we have some commandments. Remember the exodus, what to do with the firstborns and making signs on your arm and between your eyes. So now that we are free from the shackles of the data center, we are able to take on some personal responsibilities. We are to remember what it was like to run in data centers (remember friends don’t let friends build data centers). When we move our first workload we it is like a sacrifice. Is it perfect, no, but we learn from that, share the knowledge and do better. Finally, we have signs. These are regular reminders about how things are going. In the work environment, these would be our dashboards that we use to ensure we aren’t spending to much and that everything is working well. In a Jewish personal life, these are the Tefillin that are worn daily. May we all learn and grow from our journey and experiences. Shabbat Shalom.