Chevre, this week’s parsha in Israel is קֹרַח (Korach). Have you ever had a situation where you wish the earth would swallow you up? We have a family story like this, but it didn’t happen to us. It did happen, however to Korach. He was a leader of the Levite Tribe, but he wanted more. He challenged Moshe’s leadership and organized a revolt. For this HaShem had the earth open up and swallow him up. What’s interesting is that the revolt of Korach was seperate from the revolt of Dathan and Aviram. Seems like the case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. We see this a lot in the Israeli Knesset, but I can’t compare Moshe to any of the current political leaders we have in Israel. The revolt this week is more public, while the revolt last week was within Moshe’s own family. It seems to me that these stories are showcases for the Leadership Principle (LP) “Have Backbone, Disagree and Commit”. It’s completely valid to disagree, to stand up for your beliefs and to argue your point politely. But once a decision is made, you need to commit to the decision for the good of group, community, nation, or company. As a TAM, I often will challenge, respectfully, decisions that customers seem to make. In the end of the day, however, it’s their decision and I have to support them. Even if I think they are making a mistake. As long as I get to be heard and the decider is making a fully informed (as much as possible) decision (LP: Are Right A Lot), then we commit and support the decision to the best of our abilities. May we all strive for the best outcomes in ourselves and in each other out of brotherhood/sisterhood. Shabbat Shalom