Chukat - 2022

Chevre, this week’s parsha in Israel is חקת (Chukat). The parsha this week starts with a rule/law that we may or may not understand. We have the details around the Red Heffer used in the purification process. Some folks may think this is a tikkun (fixing) of the Golden Calf. But really, this is one of those rules that we do not understand and may never understand. There is no Have Backbone, Disagree and Commit. Do not pass Go and collect $200. This is how this spiritual construct works. In our work lives, this is not usually acceptable, but in our spiritual lives or in the natural world, sometimes, this is just how things are. Like the serenity prayer says, Please help us focus on the things we can change and accept those we can’t. Shabbat Shalom.