Chevre, tonight starts סֻכּוֹת (Sukkot). The main characteristics of this holiday is that we leave our homes and live in temporary structures called a Sukkah. We also take up the 4 Species (Etrog, Lulav, Aravah and Hadas). It’s called the Zman Simchatenu (Our Joyous Time). We have spent over a month praying and saying extra psalms for forgiveness. Now we go out and show our trust in HaShem by building a flimsy structure at the time when the weather (in Israel at least) is just starting to get cool/cold and rain is around the corner. In contradistinction, migrating to the cloud is moving to a much more robust infrastructure, but as anyone learning a new technology will tell you, there can be sharp edges to those doing it for the first time. That being said, the first time our power went out and I knew my workloads were still humming along happily in the cloud brought a smile to my face. May you all have a Joyful and happy Sukkot with the added joy knowing that your workloads are happily running in a cloud region. Chag Sameach