Terumah - 2022

Chevre, this week’s parsha is תְּרוּמָה (Terumah). This week we have a description of the Mishkan (The Tabernacle) including the roof/cover, the walls, the divider; the Ark; The Table; The Menorah; The Inside Alter; and The Courtyard. In true Amazonian style, this is all written out, no pictures, but in my version only takes up 4 pages and not 6. Not to worry, next week we’ll see more. So the details of these holy items are also found, sometimes scaled out, in the 1st and 2nd Temples. And like most Amazonian documents, we can see thousands of years of commentary (aka feedback) about what was really meant with all these descriptions. These can be in trying to explain what was said, or digging deeper with stories or possible background and connection to other places where we see more. May we all have the honor of reviewing this parsha (and it’s commentary) for many years to come. Shabbat Shalom.