Vayigash - 2022

Chevre, this week’s parsha is וַיִּגַשׁ (Vayigash). The parsha starts off with a rectification. Judah steps up and will not allow Binyamin to be taken captive and offers himself instead. This fixing affects Yosef so much that he finally reveals himself to the brothers, who are in shock. This is like when you have built a pile of ugly work arounds for a problem and then the official fix comes out. It’s now all rainbows and unicorns and everything should be wonderful. We aren’t yet to the full rainbow and unicorn stage yet. When Yaakov comes to Egypt, he meets with Pharaoh. Yosef tells Yaakov to not tell Pharaoh that they are sheep herders because it’s offensive to the Egyptians. Yaakov refuses to lie or avoid the truth. We then end the parsha with an explanation of how Pharaoh becomes the ruler and owner of nearly all Egypt and Egyptians due to the famine. The only correlation to the cloud that I can draw here is the new (relatively) feature where all objects added to an S3 bucket can become owned by the bucket owner. Shabbat Shalom.