Netzavim - Vayelech - 2023

Chevre, this week’s parsha is נִצָּבִים - וַיֵּלֶךְ (Netzavim - Vayelech). This week we read one of my favorite passages that the Torah is not in heaven (maybe it’s in the clouds), but it is accessible for everyone. There is a story in the Gemara (Baba Metziah 59b) about a disagreement between the sages. One sage calls on extrordinary measures to prove his point. A river flows backwards, the building starts to fall in, a voice from heaven. But the answer there is that the Torah is no longer in Heaven, but is on Earth. And it finishes with HaShem saying my sons have beat me (as in won over me).

Another mitzvah we read about this week is Hakhel. Every seven years, the king is to read part of Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy). This comes as a reminder and reinforces the idea that Sefer Devarim is a summary and repetition of things that came before. I had a colleague that would re-read documentation in a pre-determined rotation. This would help keep it fresh and in the world of cloud, he should be able to discover new things as the features and documentation are updated occassionally. I was never able to take this practice on, but always thought it was amazing.

Finally, I would also like to welcome anyone who would like to comment or share their own thoughts to do so. Last week, I had someone write to me about their take on the parsha. I would be thrilled if any of my musings turned into a discussion.

Shabbat Shalom.